Electricity Tariffs

Electricity tariffs in Switzerland

ElCom, the Federal Electricity Commission, collects data on the electricity tariffs for household and companies. This data is published as Linked Data.

In this tutorial, we will show how to work with Linked Data. Mainly, we will see how to work with data on electricity tariffs.
We will look into how to query, process, and visualize it.


SPARQL endpoints

For electricity tariffs

Data on all electricity tariffs is published as Linked Data. It can be accessed with SPARQL queries.
You can send queries using HTTP requests. The API endpoint is https://lindas.admin.ch/query/.

For geodata

Different municipalities may have different tariffs. To understand their location, we will work with Swiss geodata. It is published as Linked Data. It can be accessed using API endpoint under https://ld.geo.admin.ch/query.

SPARQL client

Let's use SparqlClient from graphly to communicate with both databases. Graphly will allow us to:

  • send SPARQL queries
  • automatically add prefixes to all queries
  • format response to pandas or geopandas
In [1]:
import json
import re
import string

import folium
import mapclassify
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import plotly.express as px
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots

from graphly.api_client import SparqlClient

%matplotlib inline
In [2]:
# Uncomment to install dependencies in Colab environment
#!pip install mapclassify
#!pip install git+https://github.com/zazuko/graphly.git
In [3]:
sparql = SparqlClient("https://lindas.admin.ch/query")
geosparql = SparqlClient("https://ld.geo.admin.ch/query")

    "schema": "<http://schema.org/>",
    "cube": "<https://cube.link/>",
    "elcom": "<https://energy.ld.admin.ch/elcom/electricityprice/dimension/>",
    "admin": "<https://schema.ld.admin.ch/>"

    "dct": "<http://purl.org/dc/terms/>",
    "geonames": "<http://www.geonames.org/ontology#>",
    "schema": "<http://schema.org/>",
    "geosparql": "<http://www.opengis.net/ont/geosparql#>",

SPARQL queries can become very long. To improve the readibility, we will work wih prefixes.

Using the add_prefixes method, we can define persistent prefixes. Every time you send a query, graphly will now automatically add the prefixes for you.


Our goal is to understand the varaiability in electricity prices. To do so, we will work with electricity tariffs, and municipality data.

Electricity tariffs

Electricity prices are composed of:

  • Grid fee

Price for transporting electricity from the power plant to the home. The revenue is used to finance the maintenance and expansion of the electricity grid, for example overhead lines, pylons and transformers.

  • Energy price

Price for the electrical energy supplied. The grid operator either generates this energy with its own power plants or buys it from upstream suppliers. The energy price is also influenced by the type of energy source. A high share of renewable energy (e.g. wind, solar, biomass energy) usually leads to higher energy prices.

  • Municipality taxes

Municipal and cantonal taxes and fees. These include, for example, concession fees or local political energy levies.

  • Aidfee

Federal tax for the promotion of renewable energies, and the protection of waters and fish. The amount of the aidfee is set annually by the Federal Council. The levy is the same everywhere.

These components vary across:

  • time
  • products
  • consumption categories
  • energy providers
  • municipalities

The place where you live, the consumption category to which you belong, the energy provider you chose, and the product you subscribed for will affect your monthly bills.

Let's take a look at these differences. To simplify the results, we will work with data from 2020. We will also focus on a single standard product, which is available across all of Switzerland.

We can query the tariffs for different municipalities and categories as follows (heads up, the query may take a while to execute!):

In [4]:
query = """
SELECT ?municipality_id ?category ?energy ?grid ?aidfee (?community_fees + ?aidfee as ?taxes) ?fixcosts ?variablecosts 
FROM <https://lindas.admin.ch/elcom/electricityprice>
    <https://energy.ld.admin.ch/elcom/electricityprice/observation/> cube:observation ?observation.
      elcom:category/schema:name ?category;
      elcom:municipality ?municipality_id;
      elcom:period "2020"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#gYear>;
      elcom:product <https://energy.ld.admin.ch/elcom/electricityprice/product/standard>;
      elcom:fixcosts ?fixcosts;
      elcom:total ?variablecosts;
      elcom:gridusage ?grid;
      elcom:energy ?energy;
      elcom:charge ?community_fees;
      elcom:aidfee ?aidfee.
ORDER BY ?muncipality ?category ?variablecosts

tariffs = sparql.send_query(query)
tariffs = tariffs.groupby(["municipality_id", "category"]).first().reset_index()
municipality_id category energy grid aidfee taxes fixcosts variablecosts
0 https://ld.admin.ch/municipality/1 C1 7.721875 7.419375 2.3 2.46 1.20 17.60
1 https://ld.admin.ch/municipality/1 C2 7.368600 6.806200 2.3 2.46 0.32 16.64
2 https://ld.admin.ch/municipality/1 C3 7.232666 5.250667 2.3 2.46 3.82 14.94
3 https://ld.admin.ch/municipality/1 C4 7.058133 4.537034 2.3 2.46 3.15 14.06
4 https://ld.admin.ch/municipality/1 C5 7.058133 4.002167 2.3 2.46 2.88 13.52

Great! We can analyse all price components across municipalities and consumption categories. But what do these consumption categories stand for?

Let's query all categories and their description.

In [5]:
query = """
SELECT DISTINCT ?category ?description
  GRAPH <https://lindas.admin.ch/elcom/electricityprice> {
    ?s <https://energy.ld.admin.ch/elcom/electricityprice/dimension/category> ?category_uri.
    ?category_uri schema:name ?category .
    ?category_uri schema:description ?description .
ORDER BY ?category
df = sparql.send_query(query)
category description
0 C1 8'000 kWh/Jahr: Kleinstbetrieb' max. beanspruc...
1 C2 30'000 kWh/Jahr: Kleinbetrieb' max. beanspruch...
2 C3 150'000 kWh/Jahr: Mittlerer Betrieb' max. bean...
3 C4 500'000 kWh/Jahr: Grosser Betrieb ' max. beans...
4 C5 500'000 kWh/Jahr: Grosser Betrieb' max. beansp...
5 C6 1'500'000 kWh/Jahr: Grosser Betrieb' max. bean...
6 C7 7'500'000 kWh/Jahr: Grosser Betrieb' max. bean...
7 H1 1'600 kWh/Jahr: 2-Zimmerwohnung mit Elektroherd
8 H2 2'500 kWh/Jahr: 4-Zimmerwohnung mit Elektroherd
9 H3 4'500 kWh/Jahr: 4-Zimmerwohnung mit Elektroher...
10 H4 4'500 kWh/Jahr: 5-Zimmerwohnung mit Elektroher...
11 H5 7'500 kWh/Jahr: 5-Zimmer-Einfamilienhaus mit E...
12 H6 25'000 kWh/Jahr: 5-Zimmer-Einfamilienhaus mit ...
13 H7 13'000 kWh/Jahr: 5-Zimmer-Einfamilienhaus mit ...
14 H8 7'500 kWh/Jahr: Grosse' hoch elektrifizierte E...

So we have 15 different categories. Those knowning german will notice that the categories cover househoulds and companies. The difference is in expected energy consumption.

The tariffs themselves are not very meaningful. "How much is my monthly bill?" is much more relatable question. Let's try to answer that.

In [6]:
def extract_consumption(description: str) -> int:
    Extract average electricity consumption from a description.
        description:  Category description for electricity tariffs
        int:          Electricity consumption in kWh/year
    number_as_string = description.split(" kWh/Jahr")[0]
    return int(number_as_string.translate(str.maketrans('', '', string.punctuation)))
In [7]:
cat2description = dict(zip(df.category, df.description))
cat2consumption = dict(zip(df.category, [extract_consumption(d) for d in df.description]))

tariffs["consumption"] = tariffs[["category"]].replace({"category": cat2consumption})
tariffs["monthly_bill"] = ((tariffs.consumption*tariffs.variablecosts/12 + tariffs.fixcosts)/100).round(2)
municipality_id category energy grid aidfee taxes fixcosts variablecosts consumption monthly_bill
0 https://ld.admin.ch/municipality/1 C1 7.721875 7.419375 2.3 2.46 1.20 17.60 8000 117.35
1 https://ld.admin.ch/municipality/1 C2 7.368600 6.806200 2.3 2.46 0.32 16.64 30000 416.00
2 https://ld.admin.ch/municipality/1 C3 7.232666 5.250667 2.3 2.46 3.82 14.94 150000 1867.54
3 https://ld.admin.ch/municipality/1 C4 7.058133 4.537034 2.3 2.46 3.15 14.06 500000 5858.36
4 https://ld.admin.ch/municipality/1 C5 7.058133 4.002167 2.3 2.46 2.88 13.52 500000 5633.36

We can now use the tariffs table to analyze regional differences in energy prices.


Electricity prices vary across municipalities. The tariff table gives us an overview of prices at each municipality. But what are their names? Where are they located? And how many people live there?

This information can be obtained using the SPARQL Endpoind from Swisstopo, Switzerland's national mapping agency.

We can query the list of municipalities, alongside with its boundaries as follows:

In [8]:
query = """    
SELECT ?municipality_id ?municipality ?population ?boundary 

  ?muni_iri dct:hasVersion ?version ;
            geonames:featureCode geonames:A.ADM3 .
  ?version schema:validUntil "2020-12-31"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#date>;
           geonames:population ?population;
           schema:name ?municipality;
           geosparql:hasGeometry/geosparql:asWKT ?boundary.
  BIND(IRI(REPLACE(STR(?muni_iri), "https://ld.geo.admin.ch/boundaries/", "https://ld.admin.ch/")) AS ?municipality_id)

communes = geosparql.send_query(query)
communes = communes.set_crs(epsg=4326)
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.9.13/x64/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pandas/core/dtypes/cast.py:1983: ShapelyDeprecationWarning: __len__ for multi-part geometries is deprecated and will be removed in Shapely 2.0. Check the length of the `geoms` property instead to get the  number of parts of a multi-part geometry.
  result[:] = values
municipality_id municipality population boundary
0 https://ld.admin.ch/municipality/1001 Doppleschwand 782 POLYGON ((8.05946 46.99543, 8.05555 46.99679, ...
1 https://ld.admin.ch/municipality/1002 Entlebuch 3284 MULTIPOLYGON (((8.02272 46.97657, 8.01460 46.9...
2 https://ld.admin.ch/municipality/1004 Flühli 1961 POLYGON ((8.04694 46.78710, 8.03127 46.79021, ...
3 https://ld.admin.ch/municipality/1005 Hasle (LU) 1744 POLYGON ((8.06223 46.90957, 8.07054 46.91640, ...
4 https://ld.admin.ch/municipality/1007 Romoos 666 POLYGON ((7.95239 46.98131, 7.94833 46.99371, ...

You may notice that we defined a corrdinate reference system. The default projection for this endpoint is EPSG:4326, also known as WGS84.

SparqlClient automatically returns a geopandas datafrme. By defining the coordinate reference system, we can start using its geoanalytics capacities immediately!

Let's start by visually inspecting all the communes.

In [9]:

Great! Now we have a geospatial representation of all swiss municipalities and we also have energy tariffs across the municipalities.

Let's join this information in one dataframe.

In [10]:
join = pd.merge(communes[["municipality_id", "municipality", "population", "boundary"]], tariffs, how="inner", on="municipality_id")
join.drop(columns=["variablecosts", "consumption"], inplace=True)
municipality_id municipality population boundary category energy grid aidfee taxes fixcosts monthly_bill
0 https://ld.admin.ch/municipality/1001 Doppleschwand 782 POLYGON ((8.05946 46.99543, 8.05555 46.99679, ... C1 3.006633 7.674333 2.3 3.067433 0.0000 91.67
1 https://ld.admin.ch/municipality/1001 Doppleschwand 782 POLYGON ((8.05946 46.99543, 8.05555 46.99679, ... C2 2.983378 7.656445 2.3 3.065644 0.0000 342.75
2 https://ld.admin.ch/municipality/1001 Doppleschwand 782 POLYGON ((8.05946 46.99543, 8.05555 46.99679, ... C3 1.237467 7.418445 2.3 3.041844 3.3920 1462.53
3 https://ld.admin.ch/municipality/1001 Doppleschwand 782 POLYGON ((8.05946 46.99543, 8.05555 46.99679, ... C4 1.113240 6.681366 2.3 2.801102 2.8176 4412.53
4 https://ld.admin.ch/municipality/1001 Doppleschwand 782 POLYGON ((8.05946 46.99543, 8.05555 46.99679, ... C5 1.113240 4.340000 2.3 2.625500 2.6400 3366.69


Now that we know what is in the data, let's dive deeper into it.

Energy prices across regions

We have seen the prices vary across regions. But how big are these differences? Let's take a look.

We will start with defining a plot_tariffs function. It will classify prices into buckets, and show the differences on the map.

In [11]:
style_function = lambda x: {'fillColor': '#ffffff', 
                            'fillOpacity': 0.1, 
                            'weight': 0.1}

highlight_function = lambda x: {'fillColor': '#989898', 
                                'fillOpacity': 0.8}

def plot_tariffs(df, variable, variable_description, title):
    classifier = mapclassify.NaturalBreaks(y=df[variable], k=5)
    bins = [df[variable].min()] + list(classifier.bins)

    m = folium.Map(location=[46.83, 8.13], zoom_start=8, tiles="cartodbpositron")

        columns=["municipality", variable],

    hover = folium.features.GeoJson(
            fields=['municipality', variable],
            aliases=['Municipality: ', variable_description + ": "],
            style=("background-color: white; color: #333333; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; padding: 10px;") 

    title_html = '''<h3 align="center" style="font-size:16px"><b>{}</b></h3>'''.format(title)   

    return m

Now let's use it! How do the prices vary for an average household?

In [12]:
category = "H2"
plot_df = join[join.category == category]
plot_tariffs(plot_df, "monthly_bill", "Average monthly bill [CHF]", cat2description[category])
Make this Notebook Trusted to load map: File -> Trust Notebook

What about a small company?

In [13]:
category = "C2"
plot_df = join[join.category == "C2"]
plot_tariffs(plot_df, "monthly_bill", "Average monthly bill [CHF]", cat2description[category])
Make this Notebook Trusted to load map: File -> Trust Notebook

Energy prices for small and big enterprises

The energy prices can vary a lot! The location may become an important factor when starting a business.

What would be the best place to locate a small or a big company (based on exepcted energy consumption)?

In [14]:
cols = 2

titles = {"C1": "8 000 kWh/year\nSmall company", "C7": "1 500 000 kWh/year\nBig company with own transformator"}
categories = list(titles.keys())
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, cols, figsize=(20,8))

for col in range(cols):
    cat = categories[col]
    plot_df = join[join.category == cat]
    plot_df.plot(ax=axs[col], column="monthly_bill", cmap="GnBu", scheme="Natural_Breaks", k=5, legend=True, legend_kwds={"fmt": "{:.0f}"})
fig = fig.suptitle("Average monthly bill for enterprises", fontsize=24)

Energy prices for small and big households

What about the households? Are the regional differences the same for small and big households?

In [15]:
cols = 2

titles = {"H1": "1 600 kWh/year\n2-room appartment", "H5": "7 500 kW/year\n5-room house"}
categories = list(titles.keys())
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, cols, figsize=(20,8))

for col in range(cols):
    cat = categories[col]
    plot_df = join[join.category == cat]
    plot_df.plot(ax=axs[col], column="monthly_bill", cmap="YlGn", scheme="Natural_Breaks", k=5, legend=True, legend_kwds={"fmt": "{:.0f}"})
fig = fig.suptitle("Average monthly bill for households", fontsize=24)

Price distribution

These plots enable us to easily find the cheapest regions. But how many people actualy pay the cheapest electicity price?

Let's now take a look at the number of consumers per price. The histograms will shows us how many people are elligible for certain tariff. They do not show how many people actually pay thos prices.

As people live in different households, their tariff varies with appartment size.

First, let's take a look at the price distribution of the H1 tariff (1600 kWh/year, corresponding to 2-room appartment)

In [16]:
category = "H1"
plot_df = join[["monthly_bill", "population"]][join.category == category]
plot_df["monthly_bill"] = plot_df["monthly_bill"].round().astype(int)
plot_df = plot_df.groupby("monthly_bill").sum().reset_index()
monthly_bill population
0 12 77
1 13 943
2 14 128
3 15 756
4 17 3045
In [17]:
fig = px.bar(plot_df, x="monthly_bill", y="population")

    title='Electricity prices for 2-room appartment (1600 kWh/year)', 
    yaxis_title="Elligible population",
    xaxis_title="Average monthly bill"

What about bigger households?

Let's take a look at the price distribution of H5 tariff (7500 kW/year, corresponding to 5-room house)

In [18]:
category = "H5"
plot_df = join[["monthly_bill", "population"]][join.category == category]
plot_df["monthly_bill"] = plot_df["monthly_bill"].round().astype(int)
plot_df = plot_df.groupby("monthly_bill").sum().reset_index()

fig = px.bar(plot_df, x="monthly_bill", y="population")
    title='Electricity prices for 5-room household (7500 kWh/year)', 
    yaxis_title="Elligible population",
    xaxis_title="Average monthly bill"

Competition between energy providers

At one place, multiple energy providers can operate. The customers are free to use the provider of their choice. This, in theory, should introduce competition. In long run, the electricity prices in these regions should also be lower.

Which municipalities have access to more than one electricity provider?

First, let's find all muncipalities with more than one provider. We can do it using the SPARQL aggregate query.

In [19]:
query = """
PREFIX cube: <https://cube.link/>
PREFIX elcom: <https://energy.ld.admin.ch/elcom/electricityprice/dimension/>
PREFIX schema: <http://schema.org/>

SELECT ?municipality_id (MAX(?providers) AS ?providers)
FROM <https://lindas.admin.ch/elcom/electricityprice>
  SELECT ?municipality_id ?category (COUNT(*) AS ?providers)

      <https://energy.ld.admin.ch/elcom/electricityprice/observation/> cube:observation ?observation.

        elcom:category/schema:name ?category;
        elcom:municipality ?municipality_id;
        elcom:period "2020"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#gYear>;
        elcom:product <https://energy.ld.admin.ch/elcom/electricityprice/product/standard>;
        elcom:energy ?energy.
  GROUP BY ?municipality_id ?category
  HAVING (COUNT(*) > 1)
GROUP BY ?municipality_id
df = sparql.send_query(query)
municipality_id providers
0 https://ld.admin.ch/municipality/923 2
1 https://ld.admin.ch/municipality/1704 2
2 https://ld.admin.ch/municipality/5606 2
3 https://ld.admin.ch/municipality/4313 2
4 https://ld.admin.ch/municipality/786 2

All municipalities not on the list have one provider only. Let's add them doing a join on communes.

In [20]:
plot_df = pd.merge(communes[["municipality_id", "municipality", "population", "boundary"]], df, how="outer", on="municipality_id").fillna(1)
plot_df.providers = plot_df.providers.astype(int)
municipality_id municipality population boundary providers
0 https://ld.admin.ch/municipality/1001 Doppleschwand 782 POLYGON ((8.05946 46.99543, 8.05555 46.99679, ... 1
1 https://ld.admin.ch/municipality/1002 Entlebuch 3284 MULTIPOLYGON (((8.02272 46.97657, 8.01460 46.9... 1
2 https://ld.admin.ch/municipality/1004 Flühli 1961 POLYGON ((8.04694 46.78710, 8.03127 46.79021, ... 1
3 https://ld.admin.ch/municipality/1005 Hasle (LU) 1744 POLYGON ((8.06223 46.90957, 8.07054 46.91640, ... 1
4 https://ld.admin.ch/municipality/1007 Romoos 666 POLYGON ((7.95239 46.98131, 7.94833 46.99371, ... 1

Now that we know how many providers operate at each location, let's plot it. First, we will define a plot_categories function. It will allow us to plot categorical variables on a map.

In [21]:
def plot_categories(df, variable, label, title, colormap):  

    m = folium.Map(location=[46.83, 8.13], zoom_start=8, tiles="cartodbpositron")

    colormap = {str(k):v for k,v in colormap.items()}
    df[variable] = df[variable].astype(str)
    style_function = lambda x: {'color': "#a9a9a9",
                            'fillOpacity': 1,
                            'weight': 0.05,
                            'fillColor': colormap[x['properties'][variable]]}

    categories = df[variable].unique()
    for cat in categories:
        data = json.loads(df[["municipality", "boundary", variable]][df[variable] == cat].to_json())
                fields=['municipality', variable],
                aliases=['Municipality: ', label + ": "],
                style=("background-color: white; color: #333333; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; padding: 10px;") 
    title_html = '''<h3 align="center" style="font-size:16px"><b>{}</b></h3>'''.format(title)   

    return m

Let's plot the number of providers per municipality.

In [22]:
categories = plot_df.providers.unique()
colormap = {cat: mpl.colors.rgb2hex(mpl.cm.plasma((i)/(len(categories)-1))) for i, cat in enumerate(categories)}

plot_categories(plot_df, "providers", "Electricity providers", "Electricity providers", colormap)
Make this Notebook Trusted to load map: File -> Trust Notebook

Grid costs and population density

Grid costs are a core price component. They are used to finance the maintenance and expansion of the electricity grid, for example overhead lines, pylons and transformers.

Densly populated regions can share the infrastructure costs among more people. The space is smaller, and grid is denser. All else equal, this should, resut in cheaper maintenance costs in such areas.

Is this a valid hypothesis? Let's find out!

First, let's calculate population density. Remeber to use coordinate reference system that is meant for representing areas!

In [23]:
join["hectares"] = join.to_crs(epsg=3035).area/10000 # In hectares
join["population_density"] = join["population"]/join["hectares"]
municipality_id municipality population boundary category energy grid aidfee taxes fixcosts monthly_bill hectares population_density
0 https://ld.admin.ch/municipality/1001 Doppleschwand 782 POLYGON ((8.05946 46.99543, 8.05555 46.99679, ... C1 3.006633 7.674333 2.3 3.067433 0.000 91.67 716.536059 1.091362
1 https://ld.admin.ch/municipality/1001 Doppleschwand 782 POLYGON ((8.05946 46.99543, 8.05555 46.99679, ... C2 2.983378 7.656445 2.3 3.065644 0.000 342.75 716.536059 1.091362
2 https://ld.admin.ch/municipality/1001 Doppleschwand 782 POLYGON ((8.05946 46.99543, 8.05555 46.99679, ... C3 1.237467 7.418445 2.3 3.041844 3.392 1462.53 716.536059 1.091362

Let's now take a look at the relationship between grid costs, and population density

In [24]:
plot_df = join[join.category == "H1"]
fig = px.scatter(plot_df, y="grid", x="population_density", hover_data=["municipality"],
           labels={"population_density": "Inbahitants per ha", "grid": "Grid costs per kWh"})


It looks like there is no relation between grid costs and population density. However, we can observe one other interesting thing:

Some communes pay zero grid fees!

Free grid usage

Let's find out who pays zero grid fees. First, we will assign a binary variable defining whether a commune pays grid fees, aidfee and energy.

In [25]:
join = join.assign(pays_grid=lambda x: x.grid!=0, 
                   pays_aidfee=lambda x: x.aidfee!=0,
                   pays_energy=lambda x: x.energy!=0)

municipality_id municipality population boundary category energy grid aidfee taxes fixcosts monthly_bill hectares population_density pays_grid pays_aidfee pays_energy
0 https://ld.admin.ch/municipality/1001 Doppleschwand 782 POLYGON ((8.05946 46.99543, 8.05555 46.99679, ... C1 3.006633 7.674333 2.3 3.067433 0.000 91.67 716.536059 1.091362 True True True
1 https://ld.admin.ch/municipality/1001 Doppleschwand 782 POLYGON ((8.05946 46.99543, 8.05555 46.99679, ... C2 2.983378 7.656445 2.3 3.065644 0.000 342.75 716.536059 1.091362 True True True
2 https://ld.admin.ch/municipality/1001 Doppleschwand 782 POLYGON ((8.05946 46.99543, 8.05555 46.99679, ... C3 1.237467 7.418445 2.3 3.041844 3.392 1462.53 716.536059 1.091362 True True True

Now, let's use the plot_categories function to find out who benefits from free grid usage.

In [26]:
plot_df = join[join.category=="C1"].reset_index(drop=True)
colormap = {True: "#636EFA", False: "#EF553B"}

plot_categories(plot_df, "pays_grid", "Paid grid usage", "Grid fees", colormap)
Make this Notebook Trusted to load map: File -> Trust Notebook

Which communes are those? How many people live there?

In [27]:
temp = join[["municipality_id", "municipality", "pays_grid", "population"]].groupby(["municipality_id", "municipality", "population"]).all().reset_index()
pop_free_grid = temp[(~temp.pays_grid)]["population"].sum()

municipality_id municipality population pays_grid
0 https://ld.admin.ch/municipality/3640 Sils im Domleschg 943 False
1 https://ld.admin.ch/municipality/3668 Thusis 3217 False
2 https://ld.admin.ch/municipality/3681 Avers 168 False
3 https://ld.admin.ch/municipality/3695 Sufers 144 False
4 https://ld.admin.ch/municipality/3701 Andeer 908 False
5 https://ld.admin.ch/municipality/3703 Casti-Wergenstein 56 False
6 https://ld.admin.ch/municipality/3705 Donat 202 False
7 https://ld.admin.ch/municipality/3707 Lohn (GR) 46 False
8 https://ld.admin.ch/municipality/3708 Mathon 51 False
9 https://ld.admin.ch/municipality/3711 Rongellen 53 False
10 https://ld.admin.ch/municipality/3712 Zillis-Reischen 401 False
11 https://ld.admin.ch/municipality/3713 Ferrera 75 False

Free energy

We have seen that some places do not pay for grid usage. Another twist is that the energy world also knows negative or zero prices. Are there any places that have zero energy tariffs?

In [28]:
join["has_free_energy"] = ~join.pays_energy
temp = join[["municipality_id", "municipality", "has_free_energy", "population"]].groupby(["municipality_id", "municipality", "population"]).all().reset_index()

municipality_id municipality population has_free_energy

Not really. There is no municipality with free electricity!

Free aidfee

What about aidfee?

The government states that everyone pays aidfee. Do we find the same insights in data?

In [29]:
plot_df = join[join.category=="C1"].reset_index(drop=True)
colormap = {True: "#00CC96", False: "#AB63FA"}

plot_categories(plot_df, "pays_aidfee", "Pays aidfee", "Aidfees", colormap)
Make this Notebook Trusted to load map: File -> Trust Notebook

Which communes do not pay aidfee? How many people live there?

In [30]:
temp = join[["municipality_id", "municipality", "pays_aidfee", "population"]].groupby(["municipality_id", "municipality", "population"]).all().reset_index()
pop_free_aidfee = temp[(~temp.pays_aidfee)]["population"].sum()

municipality_id municipality population pays_aidfee
0 https://ld.admin.ch/municipality/115 Gossau (ZH) 10222 False
1 https://ld.admin.ch/municipality/2401 Egerkingen 3683 False
2 https://ld.admin.ch/municipality/302 Bargen (BE) 999 False
3 https://ld.admin.ch/municipality/3352 Ebnat-Kappel 5031 False
4 https://ld.admin.ch/municipality/4237 Oberrüti 1536 False
5 https://ld.admin.ch/municipality/4238 Rottenschwil 858 False
6 https://ld.admin.ch/municipality/443 Saint-Imier 5131 False
7 https://ld.admin.ch/municipality/4951 Wigoltingen 2457 False
8 https://ld.admin.ch/municipality/6421 La Chaux-de-Fonds 37952 False
9 https://ld.admin.ch/municipality/6422 Les Planchettes 210 False
10 https://ld.admin.ch/municipality/6436 Le Locle 10216 False
11 https://ld.admin.ch/municipality/6454 Hauterive (NE) 2623 False
12 https://ld.admin.ch/municipality/6458 Neuchâtel 33489 False
13 https://ld.admin.ch/municipality/732 Bellmund 1689 False

DISCLAIMER: ElKom states:

The amount of the aidfee is set annually by the Federal Council. The levy is the same everywhere.

However, that is not what we find in the data. Possible explanation that we have not verified?

Some communes managed to get a waiver for aidfee. The aidfee is hence the same for everyone. Exept that not everyone pays it. Or, maybe more probabale, there is an issue with the data as provided by ELKom.

How many people benefit from fee waivers?

Few communes benefit from fee waivers for aidfee, and grid usage. How many people benefit from these waivers?

Let's find out!

In [31]:
pop_total = communes.population.sum()

fig = make_subplots(rows=1, cols=2, subplot_titles=["grid usage", "Aidfee"], specs=[[{"type": "pie"}, {"type": "pie"}]])

     labels=["Not paying", "Paying"],
     name="Grid Usage"), 
     row=1, col=1)

     labels=["Not paying", "Paying"],
     row=1, col=2)

fig.update_layout(height=400, title={"text": "Population benefiting from free tariffs", "x": 0.5})

Which companies benefit from fee waivers?

We have seen which population benefits from fee waivers. What about companies?

For a manufacturing company in an energy-intensive sector it may make sense to optimize its location. Such companies may explicitly look for places with cheaper electricity. Do the places with free grid usage attract energy-intensive companies? Are there some companies that benefit from this waiver?

To find out who benefits from grid fee waiver, let's take a look at ZEFIX. ZEFIX is the Swiss commerce register. ZEFIX will provide us with company name, type, description, and address and ZEFIX is also available as Linked Data.

Let's find all companies registered in municipalities with free grid usage. To start, we will list all those municipalities:

In [32]:
municipalities_free_energy = join["municipality_id"][~(join.pays_energy)].unique()
       'https://ld.admin.ch/municipality/4147'], dtype=object)

Now let's find all companies registered in one of those villages (and hence are entitiled to free grid usage).

In [33]:
query = """
SELECT ?company ?type ?company_iri
    ?company_iri a admin:ZefixOrganisation.
    ?company_iri schema:legalName ?company.
    ?company_iri admin:municipality <https://ld.admin.ch/municipality/3695>.
    ?company_iri schema:additionalType/schema:name ?type .
  FILTER(LANG(?type) = "de")
ORDER BY ?type ?company
df = sparql.send_query(query)
company type company_iri
0 Brauerei Sufers AG Aktiengesellschaft https://register.ld.admin.ch/zefix/company/128...
1 ENSY AG Aktiengesellschaft https://register.ld.admin.ch/zefix/company/983860
2 Müller Bau AG Sufers Aktiengesellschaft https://register.ld.admin.ch/zefix/company/744032
3 Streil Transporte AG Aktiengesellschaft https://register.ld.admin.ch/zefix/company/101...
4 energie.ch ag Aktiengesellschaft https://register.ld.admin.ch/zefix/company/983859
5 BEVERNAGE SOPHIE - Hotel Restaurant Seeblick Einzelunternehmen https://register.ld.admin.ch/zefix/company/133...
6 FRESCHI IT Einzelunternehmen https://register.ld.admin.ch/zefix/company/141...

This gives us a list of ALL companies in the region. However, only the big energy consumers will see an impact of fee waiver on their accounts. While we don't know which enterprise pays how much, we can hypothesize the following:

Only the big, energy-intensive businesses will have high enough energy bills to justify moving their production lines. Such companies would typically be a join-stock entities.

We can hence filter our company list to only include join-stock companies only.

In [34]:
query = """
SELECT ?municipality ?company ?company_iri 
    ?company_iri a admin:ZefixOrganisation.
    ?company_iri schema:legalName ?company.
    ?company_iri admin:municipality ?municipality_iri.
    ?company_iri schema:additionalType <https://ld.admin.ch/ech/97/legalforms/0106> .
  ?municipality_iri schema:name ?municipality.
  FILTER(?municipality_iri IN({}))
ORDER BY ?municipality ?company
""".format("<" + ">,<".join(municipalities_free_energy) + ">")
df = sparql.send_query(query)
municipality company company_iri
0 Birrwil ARC Group AG https://register.ld.admin.ch/zefix/company/317733
1 Birrwil Air Mercury AG https://register.ld.admin.ch/zefix/company/591269
2 Birrwil Argovia Investment AG https://register.ld.admin.ch/zefix/company/138...
3 Birrwil Diplomat AG https://register.ld.admin.ch/zefix/company/45565
4 Birrwil EDM-Tec AG https://register.ld.admin.ch/zefix/company/111...
... ... ... ...
317 Zetzwil Pamo Gerüste AG https://register.ld.admin.ch/zefix/company/132088
318 Zetzwil Pietro Orlando AG https://register.ld.admin.ch/zefix/company/233129
319 Zetzwil Stefan Kyburz AG Gartengestaltung https://register.ld.admin.ch/zefix/company/105...
320 Zetzwil Studer Schleiftechnik AG https://register.ld.admin.ch/zefix/company/460751
321 Zetzwil Uniconstruct AG https://register.ld.admin.ch/zefix/company/56398

322 rows × 3 columns

Et volià! The list of all potentail benefitiaries of free grid usage.